Baby products are subject to mandatory certification. They are subject to additional requirements in terms of composition, strength and safety. Including chemical composition, biological and thermal safety, dimensions for some parts of the product. The standards for children's products are set out in CU TR 007/2011. This technical regulation is valid not only in Russia, but throughout the territory of the customs union. Therefore, certified baby products can be freely transported and sold in CU countries.

The document obliges manufacturers to provide reliable product information, as well as suppress conferring additional properties on the product it does not own.

What does this technical regulation apply to?

Products of completely different categories fall within its action. All kinds of nipples, dishes, massagers, toothbrushes, clothes and shoes, children's literature, coloring books, toys, markers, etc.

The same document governs the production and sale of children's bicycles, strollers, other objects of transport and games, childcare products (milk nipple, pacifiers, crockery, cutlery, sanitary and hygienic products and haberdashery, toothbrushes and massagers gingival) ...

All children's clothing and other textile products, footwear, including decorative elements of their fur, leather and other materials are also regulated by the technical regulation.

Not all baby products are regulated by this regulation. Other documents check children's medical equipment, sports equipment, training materials. Some printed board games, some kinds of toys, children's furniture are also not covered by this regulation. Baby food, baby food, and beauty products have their own standards.

So, for example, shampoos, bubble baths, hygienic lipsticks and other products in this group are regulated by other regulations.